
Female ancestor of all Zmee

Mythical original female ancestor of all Zmee. Highly revered by all Zmee factions. Also known as Great Zmiya.
It’s widely held by the Zmee that Zmiya gave her life to save her clutch of six eggs, which another young Zmee, Zuli, then raised in secret and led them to Zoar on Zmiya’s instructions. Speculation is rife as to whether or not Zuli wasn’t also one of Zmiya’s own egglings, and also if the Grand Oracle isn’t one of those six primal eggs. What happened to Zuli, or the Great Zhmee himself, no one seems to know. And who killed Zmiya? The Zeruhawi are convinced that Enok’s ancestors did, those First Parents of the Elim.
PHONETIC : zmɪˈjʌ


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Lost World Tributes

This is the author website of
André SkoroBogáty.

The Lost World Tributes imprint aspires to publish stimulating fantasy fiction that invites reflection on Biblical themes — specifically from the supernatural viewpoint espoused by the Book of Enoch.

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