
Scarred Zmee Metalsmith.

Zmee female. The badly scarred Metal Smith, who manages the forges of Yashau-Zaar. A peaceable Methodic with little tolerance for the political excesses of th Zeruhawi.
Her scars came about when a disciple threw flux earths into near-molten copper ore too late, and the explosion seared her features and blew off half her facial tendrils. It took four years for them to regrow but they are now a much lighter color than those that remained on the other side of her snout. She has never taken younglings as disciples since, and will only train adult Venerables or Prominents.
MONIKERS : The Metal Smith or Smithy (public).


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Lost World Tributes

This is the author website of
André SkoroBogáty.

The Lost World Tributes imprint aspires to publish stimulating fantasy fiction that invites reflection on Biblical themes — specifically from the supernatural viewpoint espoused by the Book of Enoch.

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